Shankland’s column brings relatable joy to Cicero reader

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Dear Editor:

I always enjoy reading Amy Shankland’s column, and this week’s on “Leftovers” brought back some fond memories.

First of all, I remember looking at some papers that my oldest, Michael, brought home from the third grade and saw on what looked like a sheet that he was asked, “What are your favorites?” Under his favorite food he had listed leftovers! How funny! (I say “how funny” because I’m old school and DO NOT like this LOL stuff.)

Another memory is that my wife and I both traveled throughout some of our marriage and when she wasn’t traveling, I would always take her out for dinner after being gone most of the week. She would always come home with a Styrofoam box of something and put it in the fridge! By the end of the weekend our fridge would be full of those ugly white boxes, and although we would eat some of them, inevitably they would be thrown away.

It’s so great to get read Amy’s column and get some levity away from the mundane political columns we see this time of the year. Thank you, Amy!

Tom Williams