Shaffer wants a plan

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Dear Editor:

As the lockdown continues, the county and its municipalities see lower and lower tax revenues but make no announcements about their cut-backs.

Elected and appointed pooh-bahs are quick to tell us to stay home, cut back, be quiet and obey. Meanwhile, it is clear gasoline taxes, sales taxes and a host of fees and charges and other revenue sources stagnate.

Carmel furloughed 471 parks and recreation folks. That’s a start. But what sacred cows will be cut? No word. No plan. No leadership.

Bill Shaffer


2 Comments on "Shaffer wants a plan"

  1. Art Vandelay | April 22, 2020 at 12:14 pm |

    So you want other City employees to lose their jobs? That probably says more about you than it does the mayor.

    • Eric S Morris | April 22, 2020 at 3:44 pm |

      I know Bill. He uses his name. You do not. That probably says more about you than what you suggest about Bill. No one will ever confuse Art Vandelay for Brutus, or even the over lauded Publius.

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