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Dear Editor:
There was a time when you abided by the law, the rules of the game, the agreed-upon decrees and that was that.
Some things we just took for granted:
- Countries had borders.
- Politicians were held accountable for lies and deceptions.
- People paid their taxes.
- Winners got trophies and losers didn’t.
Stuff like that.
Now we find ourselves hosting illegal immigrants, hearing a President would not and then would pardon his son, IRS employees owe billions in back taxes, and everybody gets a trophy just for showing up.
You can add to the list.
One favorite locally is the superintendent of schools who, when caught politicking for two school board candidates was given a pass from school Policy 9700.01.
It states that “no one may use his/her involvement or position in a school-related organization to promote his/her own or any other candidacy for public office.”
The employee of Carmel taxpayers was excused because he took a day of personal vacation to do it.
What could be clearer than Policy 9700.01?
It says nothing about taking a day off to be exempt from it.
As they say on the sports channel:
“C’mon, Man.”
And that goes all the up to the President in the humble opinion of your faithful correspondent.
Bill Shaffer