Shaffer says Carmel City Council should use some common sense

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Dear Editor:

The mayor of Carmel is asking his rubber-stamp city council to use $75,000 of taxpayer money to clean up the $262 million Palladium.

That would be one-tenth of the $750,000 per year the Palladium pays its “artistic director,” Los Angeles piano player-singer Michael Feinstein.

Palladium finances are in shambles even after a $2 to $3 million annual subsidy from tax revenues. Patron funding is so skimpy, the Palladium’s $1 million in yearly utility bills comes out of public coffers as well.

Instead of $75,000 to clean up the Palladium, why doesn’t the city council use a nickel’s worth of common sense?

It is an election year, you know.

Bill Shaffer
