Shaffer questions the financing of Clay Twp. fieldhouse facility

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Dear Editor:

I applaud the Carmel Dad’s Club for the fine work it has done over the years in improving the health and fitness of boys and girls.

I question, however, why taxpayers should build a $10 million facility for the club. Why not build the facility – if needed – and lease it to the club?

Better yet, why not question the two of the three Clay Township Board members who approved borrowing the bucks to build it. They also serve on the board of the Dad’s Club and just might have a hint of conflict of interest so far as taxpayer needs and wishes are concerned.

More to the point, what good is Zoning Board approval is the township cannot raise the money in the bond market? No word yet on any success in floating the bonds or loans or whatever instruments the township is using. They are remarkably mum on that front.

Bill Shaffer
