Shaffer questions City of Carmel’s 20-year fiscal plan

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Dear Editor:

On Sept. 28, 2018, the Carmel director of community relations, Nancy Heck, issued a press release stating, “The City of Carmel has relied on a 20-year fiscal plan that projects future revenues and expenses and allows the department directors to prioritize expenditures while being aware of the long-term impact of their decisions.”

On April 15, the mayor reassured attendees at the mayoral campaign debate that the city had a fiscal plan and not to worry about a $1.3 billion debt.

I subsequently asked for a copy of the fiscal plan from my city councilor, the president of the city council and a councilor at large – Bruce Kimball, Jeff Worrell and Ron Carter, respectively.

Thus far, I have had two replies. I did learn there is Draft 10 of a fiscal plan floating around but not approved, agreed to and implemented.

Responsiveness and transparency?

Tight management and fiscal responsibility?


Bill Shaffer
