Shaffer offers 7 New Year’s resolutions for Carmel ‘elites’

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Dear Editor:

Here are seven suggested New Year’s resolutions for the elected and unelected elites in Carmel’s municipal government:

  1. Start treating voter-taxpayer citizens as adults who can handle the truth.
  2. End the preaching and start testing ideas before foisting them off on the community.
  3. Test ideas first with data and not utopian Progressive dreams.
  4. Open the redevelopment commission and redevelopment authority books for public inspection if not outright audit.
  5. Price projects to include costs of borrowing. The last three bonds floated in 2021 were listed as $16.7 million in principal but interest costs took the total to $36.9 million due to $20.2 million in interest charges.
  6. Stop catering to curiosity seekers and dilettantes when decorating roundabouts.
  7. Always remember that roundabout means complicated, convoluted, disturbing, intricate, obscure, perplexing, byzantine, bewildering and muddled.

These are designed to help Carmel’s government restore a measure of trust in the wake of adding a quarter-billion dollars to its debt.

And we non-elites can sleep better at night.

Bill Shaffer


2 Comments on "Shaffer offers 7 New Year’s resolutions for Carmel ‘elites’"

  1. Scott Batson | January 6, 2022 at 2:57 pm |

    Your confusion and bewilderment is yours to own. Don’t project it onto others.
    Bring on the ‘Circles of Life’

  2. Once again BILL, THANK YOU!! Amazing to see how simple the fix is, but the elites can make money on simplifying

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