Shaffer: No Merry Christmas for Carmel’s finances

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Dear Editor:

Carmel central planning elites delivered their annual sack of coal and bundle of switches to the city’s 100,000 residents this week.

It comes each year in the form of information the city provides by law to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance.

Click here to see the data.

It includes a breakdown of the $1.6 billion outstanding debt, and it lists the $108 million due next year in principal and interest payments on that debt.

This in a city whose 2023 budget for basic services – police, fire, etc. – is $177 million.

Of course, not a dime of either the $108 million or the $155 million is the elites’ money in the first place.

If your unpaid household bills are $177 right now and your credit card payment this month is $108 on top of that, you’d be in a Yuletide sweat, for sure.

Perhaps Carmel voters will decide enough is enough and that next Christmas will be a bit merrier.

Bill Shaffer