Shaffer: New property tax statements should be “wake-up call” for Carmel

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Dear Editor:

Carmel residents are getting a wake-up call as Hamilton County distributes the 2021 property tax statements.

Clay Township, an area identical with the Carmel city limits, bumped its rate 26.58 percent. Call it 27 percent.

Also, call it the price of more excessive spending in the Carmel elitist progressives’ mold.

Why the bump? Back in June, the township unveiled a $60 million spending plan that included $10 million for a Dad’s Club fieldhouse.

Also included were plans to expand the Japanese/Chinese Garden, which the city also is funding with money borrowed in the 2016 stormwater bond.

The township’s total obligation jumped to $128 million in the process with payoff complete in 2040.

As the city council prepares to rubber-stamp the mayor’s latest $125 million borrowing scheme, one can only speculate what the total principal and interest will be and when, in the days to come, it may be paid off.

Bill Shaffer


1 Comment on "Shaffer: New property tax statements should be “wake-up call” for Carmel"

  1. Eric Morris | April 16, 2021 at 9:23 am |

    And Bill, our “conservative” former Speaker’s law firm bilked, er billed, $385,544 last year for this malarkey.

    Fred, I think someone “misspoke” to you: “And, it’s without an increase in the property tax rate.”

    Fred, by the way, I can’t find Matt Snyder’s 2020 campaign finance report on the website. You may want to notify his treasurer, if you know who it is. Let Paul Hensel know the same.

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