Shaffer: Let’s get back to doing our own thing

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Dear Editor:

On behalf of the old, white males of Hamilton County, I wish to apologize to our fellow citizens for all the virus fuss.

This noble newspaper reported folks over 60 racked up all but 4.5 percent of the fatalities which the lockdown/shutdown/quarantine/social distancing caused.

While 100 percent of the kids were barred from schools and 100 percent of younger beer drinkers were barred from bars, we old white guys were 54.2 percent of the deaths.

We are most sorry we are old. We are even more sorry we are guys. We beg your pardon. Now can we all just go back to doing our own thing?

Bill Shaffer


1 Comment on "Shaffer: Let’s get back to doing our own thing"

  1. Bill Greenman | May 7, 2020 at 5:24 pm |

    By ” doing your own thing ” do you mean returning to patterns of behavior known to increase the risk of spreading a deadly virus that is often asymptomatic? Are you upset that steps taken to protect students and bar patrons from becoming infected and spreading the virus thereby causing pain and grief to innocent fellow citizens and overwhelming health care providers have somehow cramped your style? The world has changed, and once again the adaptability of humans will be the crux of a new lifestyle. Instead of apologizing for being older and potentially more susceptible to disease perhaps providing the knowledge and perspective of age is a better path forward towards a healthier and happier future. Buck up! Smile behind your mask, and think happy thoughts while washing your hands!

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