Shaffer criticizes Carmel’s spending on Hotel Carmichael

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Dear Editor:

Comes now published reports of what Carmel’s ruling elite spent to decorate the Hotel Carmichael:

One piano went for $134,046. Some pieces of original artwork went for $150,000. And, the rug upon which the piano sits drew $4,518 in money the city borrowed without taxpayer approval.

Putting those gouges in perspective provided by the U.S. Census Bureau quickfacts profile of Carmel:

  • The median cost of a home in Carmel is $333,200, or a bit more than two pianos.
  • The median household income is $112,765.

Exorbitant spending is one thing. Doing it with other people’s money is another. Doing it with confiscated taxes from future generations is moral bankruptcy.

Bill Shaffer
