Shaffer criticizes Carmel for paying Center for Performing Arts’ bills

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Dear Editor:

On Jan. 3, the city of Carmel paid the October and November utility bills for the Palladium and the city theaters, according to city accounts payable records online.

Strapped for cash the final two months of the year, the city stiffed vendors for services provided as early as Aug. 2, 2019 – four months and 15 days before payment.

Since it began paying the bills for the Center for the Performing Arts, the city has diverted $1 million a year in taxpayer money to keep the Center from losing its non-profit status with the IRS.

What do you call a guy who is two or three or even four months behind in his utility and maintenance bills, lives from paycheck to paycheck, and provides shallow amusements for his neighbors?

Well, you soon would call him an ex-neighbor, in my humble but unerringly accurate opinion.

Bill Shaffer
