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Dear Editor:
I was inspired by the Nov. 30 letter to The Reporter soliciting money for the Center for the Performing Arts (“Help Center for the Performing Arts continue to make a difference”).
I consulted the donor’s online GuideStar website to examine the Center’s latest tax exemption compliance filing and learned:
- The Center took in $11.6 million of which $2.5 million was in ticket sales and $5.3 million in government grants;
- It paid $675,000 for an artistic director;
- It paid $239,555 for a CEO.
Then I consulted the Carmel city controller’s “accounts payable” website where I learned that last year taxpayers paid:
- $2.25 million in direct grants;
- $1.5 million in utility bills
- $1.2 million in Energy Center.
Finally, I checked the state’s Gateway Indiana website to learn Carmel taxpayers forked over:
- $2.6 million in debt service payment on the two Center bonds:
- $1.2 million more in debt service for the Energy Center that provides air conditioning and heat for the Center among other civic boondoggles.
I concluded the Center had enough of my money already.
Bill Shaffer
Mr. Shaffer, we appreciate your investigation and reporting of “facts”.
I remember when The Center used to report the average attendance. I believe it was around 560. For those who do not know, it seats 1,600!