Shaffer calls on Brainard to retire

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Dear Editor:

Two telling quotations from Carmel city councilors summarize the call for the end to progressive elite governance.

Last year, councilors investigated two civic scandals – the 46 percent cost overruns in the Hotel Carmichael project and the mismanagement of a sexual harassment complaint filed in 2019.

The former noted “the public process used to gain Carmel City Council approval and to educate the public was deeply flawed. Information presented by the mayor’s team to the city’s fiscal body (Carmel City Council) was shallowly prepared and presented in tandem with experts as reliable. City Council members spent hours poring over documents only to find out later they were knowingly inadequate.”

Findings in the second investigation revealed:

“The city has not been cooperative with requests for information, has not been upfront about any agreements with (disgraced city attorney Doug) Haney for continued work with the city, and has not followed policies outlined in the employee handbook for handling employee complaints.”

After nearly a quarter-century as mayor, the man in charge should gracefully announce his retirement.

He soon turns 68.

He suffered greatly from sleep apnea, requiring extensive surgery, he claimed.

The city finances reflect a $1.4 billion debt.

And his city council cannot trust him.

Carmel needs younger, healthier, fiscally intelligent, trustworthy leadership.

With municipal primary elections a year off, it’s time for the old guard to go.

Bill Shaffer


2 Comments on "Shaffer calls on Brainard to retire"

  1. Agreed. No one should be I. Office fir more than two terms. Fresh ideas and perspectives are needed to avoid stagnation and political figures amassing too much power

  2. JB retiring would not be enough. His puppets need to go as well; specifically Worrell, Rider, Assen and Nelson. We all already knew the first two as long-time puppets. They both hope [plot] to succeed JB. (Hint for Woody; you’ve already lost to the media magician.) We were lucky to have already ousted the cranky puppet in 2019, but at the same time JB paved the way for two more puppets: The table waiter who wrote the infamous “I won’t let you down” note found in the trash, and as for Nelson.. a democrat cozying up to protect a RINO mayor who ‘supported’ a lame candidate in his district that ensured he would win. Different faces, same game. We need fresh neighbors to step up and retake our council. Otherwise the puppets still step into the void, rinse and repeat.

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