Shaffer: Americans take democracy, freedom seriously

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Dear Editor:

Congratulations to the winners and condolences to the losers in Tuesday’s elections.

The clear winner – by an enormous landslide – was democracy in America.

Record turnout – whether in person or remotely, whether by conviction or COVID rules – we Americans showed the world we take our freedom seriously.

The biggest losers, of course, weren’t candidates, but the so-called polling profession, the so-called national mass media and the billionaires who lavishly supported the idea that one can buy votes. Polls measure verbal behavior, votes measure actual behavior, media are supposed to inform, misguided executives think they are to propagandize, and nobody trusts billionaires for a minute.

Will the winners forget the ordinary Joes and Janes who put them in office or the lessons learned?

Not this time around, I trust.

Bill Shaffer


1 Comment on "Shaffer: Americans take democracy, freedom seriously"

  1. Bill, I worked the polls 2012 and we had a lot of people standing in line as well. It was good to see all of the people lining up to vote. I only wish we could have moved the voters along more quickly so they could get to work. We had room in the school gymnasium for the voters to wait. Voters should not have to wait outside if it is cold, raining or very hot. The powers that be should make sure there is room for the voters to be away from inclement weather. I still see the voters waiting outside of Broadripple High School in the heat for hours during the primary and the many voters downtown Indy outside moving so slowly. Thank goodness for Lucas Oil Stadium for offering free parking and a place for the voters inside.

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