SERVE Noblesville Prepares to Gets Hands Dirty

For the fifth year, SERVE Noblesville is announcing expanded plans to help guide volunteers on more than 50 local projects over the June 28th to July 1st outreach effort.  This year, it’s estimated those projects will engage more than 800 people making a direct impact in Noblesville.

“We are thrilled with the response and support in direction of SERVE this year,” said Patrick Propst, chair of the SERVE Noblesville team.  “Registration is open currently accessible via our website and we welcome our community to help us in our efforts.”

SERVE Noblesville projects start with a volunteer meeting at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds in the morning and then teams are divided by Team Leader per project.  Team Leaders direct volunteer teams on our various projects. With the assistance of our Planning Team, they’ll help organize the materials and tools for the day of the project, assess the volunteer skills and needs, and coordinate the date of the project during SERVE Noblesville – including TEEN Sweep on Friday morning on the historic, downtown Noblesville square.

The goal of SERVE Noblesville is to “Connect Compassionate Neighbors.” Our week of serve projects create a sense of pride and ownership in Noblesville for all of our those involved. If you would like to learn more about volunteering, donating resources, bringing a team out, or being a Team Leader, contact us at To learn more about SERVE Noblesville and get involved in other ways visit us on our website, you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.