
The United States Senate passed the national security supplemental funding bill early Tuesday morning with a 70-29 vote. The $95 billion foreign aid package focuses on Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.
Indiana’s two senators, Todd Young and Mike Braun, both Republicans, released statements explaining their votes.
Mike Braun
“In the middle of the night, the Senate voted to give away $70 billion of borrowed money to foreign nations – not one dollar of it a loan, paid for, or offset with cuts. By paying the world’s bills and ignoring our own $34 trillion debt, we are neglecting our duty to our kids and grandkids.”
Todd Young
“This legislation provides vital security assistance to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. We cannot abandon these allies and partners as they face existential threats.
“This bill also will help rebuild our defense industrial base, which has significantly diminished in recent years. Restoring our military readiness – from artillery to semiconductors – is critical not to promoting war but to deterring conflict.
“And the legislation takes steps to interrupt the illicit global drug trade and help disrupt the sale of fentanyl in our communities.
“In the aftermath of the last two decades, the American people are understandably tired and reluctant to sacrifice. But we cannot ignore the cost of such divestment to our global leadership role. Abandoning our allies and partners will empower and embolden authoritarian powers such as China and Russia. Leadership comes with a price, but it also comes with rewards.”
It looks to me like SenatorTodd Young has gone full RINO with his votes on the “Inflation Reduction Act” and now giving away money we do not even have for the Biden-led war mongers to support wars in Ukraine, Israel and the coming one in Taiwan. He evidently supports other nations borders before our own and appears to have become a disciple of Mitch McConnell. At least Senator Mike Braun was on the right side of these votes. He will make a terrific Governor, but we will miss him in the United States Senate. Senator Young deserves to be primaried by a man or woman with strong Hoosier values. He has lost his way in the wealth-filled jungle which is Washington, DC.