U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) and his staff have helped more than 2,500 constituents resolve cases before federal agencies this year. The constituent service work resulted in more than $12.1 million being returned to Hoosier taxpayers.
Since joining the Senate in 2017, Senator Young has helped 16,973 Hoosiers recover approximately $100 million from federal agencies.
Two-thirds of the dollars recovered in 2024 and returned to Hoosiers came from cases involving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Senator Young helped Hoosiers recover nearly $8.2 million owed to them by the IRS. An additional $3.7 million was recovered from Social Security and VA claims.
In addition to helping constituents receive benefits, Senator Young’s constituent service team also helps expedite passport applications, obtain missing commendation medals for veterans, navigate international adoption cases, and more.
“When Hoosiers are improperly denied benefits they are owed or when the federal bureaucracy is moving too slowly, inquiries from members of Congress can kickstart the process,” Sen. Young said. “Our team is always committed to helping Hoosiers resolve issues involving federal agencies.”
Hoosiers who think they may need help with a federal agency can visit young.senate.gov and click “Help for Hoosiers.”
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