U.S. Senators Mike Braun (R-Ind.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) introduced a resolution on Wednesday to recognize April 17 to 21, 2023, as National Work Zone Awareness Week.
This resolution comes at a time where roadside work zone fatalities have been gradually increasing since the year 2006 – an epidemic that devastates American families from every state. With Congressional recognition of National Work Zone Awareness week, people from all over the country can learn how to move through and operate in work zones in a manner that is safe for everyone and curb the tragic loss of life that has become too common on roadways.
“Far too many road workers and emergency servicemen are injured and killed on our roadways each year,” Sen. Braun said. “Ensuring the safety of these essential men and women is a no-brainer, and I’m excited to join Sen. Blumenthal to introduce legislation that raises awareness about making America’s roads less hazardous for everyone.”
Click here to read the full text of the bill.
The resolution has been endorsed by 13 road safety groups across the nation: Benjamin J W Fisher Memorial Foundation, INC; American Traffic Safety Services Association; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; Governors Highway Safety Association; Towing and Recovery Association of America; National Safety Council; American Automobile Association (AAA); Traffic Control Specialists, LLC; Mothers Against Drunk Driving; Indiana Motor Truck Association; Local United Steel Workers (USW Local 12775); Associated General Contractors of America; and NiSource.