Seeking words of wisdom

From the Heart

As I picked up my well-worn Bible, several pages fell out. I was supposed to be spring cleaning but I got sidetracked.

I had tucked away this Bible on a lower shelf beside my bed after the pages began to pull away from the binder. I got a new one but this one will always be special because it has my thoughts written down from when life had been its most challenging.

That Bible and the many notes I had written reminded me that my story hasn’t been an easy one to live, let alone to tell. Each week I share my thoughts and my heart with those who take the time to read what I have to say.

At times it does scare me to put my life out there. I just keep telling myself, “What if I can make a difference in the life of just one person?”

It seems each chapter and season of my life has led me to different favorite scriptures. I always say that my favorite scripture is somewhere between Genesis and Revelation.

When I have been overwhelmed I go straight to the Psalms. Oh, how sweet are the words in Psalms 34: “Oh the joys of those who trust in Him.” “Those who look to Him will be radiant with joy.”

When God plants a promise deep in your heart you just have to trust in His ways as well as His timing.

Do I trust God or fear the future? Either way I will endure and most likely survive, come what may.

I have suffered through the consequences of the actions of others. I’ve been told I am not enough. I’ve been made to feel less than. Yet, God has redeemed every heartache and tear. I have survived so much, by the grace of God.

You see, I know the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God. My life is evidence of it.

I wrote this thought and tucked it in my Bible: “Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results.” I wish I knew who said that. It’s a great thought to remember and to live by.

Extraordinary is simply the ordinary that never gives up and always does the extra that is needed.

Hebrews 10 tells us to never lose our confidence in our Lord, no matter what happens. Once we see the hand of God in our life … we are never the same.

Habakkuk tells us not only to wait but to wait patiently. Ugh. Not an easy thing for me to do.

I read Habakkuk 1:5 while sitting at Potter’s Bridge on a Sunday in June of 2004. It says, “For I am going to do something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.” I was praying about a career change. A few days later I began selling cars at Don Hinds Ford.

Fifteen years later I find myself married to this wonderful man who I met in the waiting room. God had a plan.

Well, I have not made much progress in my spring cleaning but I am enjoying spending a little time with Habakkuk.

I like what he has to say.

1 Comment on "Seeking words of wisdom"

  1. Nancy Stephan | April 23, 2019 at 9:08 pm |

    Happened to see this and loved reading it. Always enjoy true stories with a scriptural theme. You speak to my heart.
    Thank you.

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