Republican Scott Willis, current Westfield City Councilor, has officially launched his campaign for Westfield Mayor in front of a crowd of more than 160 supporters.
“It has been an eye-opening journey over the past 11 months as I have explored my future in Westfield,” Willis said during his announcement speech. “I have met with thousands of residents, business owners, and stakeholders discussing the future of our great city and what role I should play in it.”
Willis plans to make “Managing the Growth of Westfield” a defining theme of the mayor’s race.
“It should be no surprise that we are experiencing significant growth,” Willis said. “In fact, we are currently the ‘Fastest Growing City in Indiana.’ Westfield is a great place to raise a family and people are noticing,” Willis said. “We are slowly creating our own personality and brand as a city and are primed to be a world class city that we can all enjoy, gather, work, and live in.”
Willis said his goal for Westfield will be to build upon our community’s roots to create a place where you can live, work, and play. A place where you can raise a family, send your children off to college, and see them return home to raise theirs.
“To accomplish this, we need to diversify our tax base to keep taxes low. We need quality and unique housing options. We need world class amenities. We need infrastructure and a trail system that connects our community together,” Willis said. “Through strategic, smart, and intentional growth, I want to take Westfield to the next level … to its highest potential of being a thriving city.”

It was a packed house Thursday night when supporters of Scott Willis came to his campaign kickoff. (Photo provided)
During his announcement speech on Thursday evening, Willis emphasized the need for a leader with the right kind of experience to take the helm at this pivotal time in the city’s future.
“Westfield must be led by someone who has decades of experience – of leading large organizations, sizable budgets, and is a strategic thinker with a vision,” Willis said. “Someone who will ask the right questions, involve the right experts, and take responsibility for driving a well-thought-out vision.”
Willis continued: “This city is hungry for a leader who can bring Westfield’s government and community together in a transparent way to get things done and I bring a track record of doing exactly that. I am someone who can hit the ground running from day one.”
During Willis’ first term as Westfield City Councilor, he has brought a unique voice and perspective to the council as an 18-year Westfield resident, decorated U.S. Marine who served 30 years and managed a $100 million-plus operating budget, and a successful businessman.
Being ingrained in the local and veteran community has always been a priority for Willis. He currently serves as Vice President of the Westfield Public Library Board, Board of Directors for Student Impact, the President’s Council for Purdue University, Chairman of the Westfield GOP Club, and is involved in several Veteran organizations including the VFW, American Legion, and is an Executive Committeeman for the Reserve Organization of America.
Willis, and his wife Stacey, have three children: Sophia, a sophomore at Xavier University, and Brenna and Graden, both Westfield Washington Schools students.