Schwartz earns endorsement of former Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to express my support for the re-election of Steve Schwartz for Hamilton County Council. Steve is one of the most hardworking elected officials I’ve ever come to know. I have seen first-hand Steve’s relentless support in improving the quality of life for Hamilton County residents.

In my 16 years as Mayor, Steve’s leadership on the County Council was important to ensuring Noblesville and the county worked well together – driving economic growth and investment in our communities. Steve is loyal, ethical, caring and a strong conservative voice that puts the residents of Hamilton County first and keeps our taxes low. He is committed to running Hamilton County responsibly and making financially sound decisions based on the need and what’s best for the county.

Steve is running for the right reason – he actually cares about our community, not promoting himself or personal agenda. He knows what it takes to serve, and I’m proud to stand behind him.

It’s my responsibility, and my pleasure, to endorse and encourage your vote for Steve Schwartz on May 3. Let’s keep moving Hamilton County forward.

John Ditslear
