Save the Nickel Plate sues County, Fishers, Noblesville

On Sept. 13, Save the Nickel Plate, Inc. supporters in Central Indiana filed a lawsuit against Hamilton County and the cities of Fishers and Noblesville for repeated failure to follow Indiana open door laws during decision-making meetings about the future of the Nickel Plate Railroad.

The lawsuit is seeking for the Hamilton County Circuit Court to intervene to void any decisions made during these meetings and to force the cities to listen to public comment before making decisions about the future of the Nickel Plate Railroad.

Save the Nickel Plate, Inc. says it thinks there’s a better, more economical way to satisfy all residents and government officials alike, one that has been proven to work across the country: Build trails next to rails (rails with trails).

The organization wants to retain and enhance a feature that makes these cities unique and provides public transportation possibilities for future commuter rail from northern suburbs to downtown Indianapolis.