Saturday girls soccer

Mia Gatz is shown here for Guerin Catholic during the Golden Eagles’ girls soccer game with Evansville Memorial Saturday, which ended in a 0-0 tie. (Mike Navarro)

The Westfield girls soccer team beat Brebeuf Jesuit 6-4 on Saturday.

Abby Foulk and Kate Malin both scored two goals, while Ava Smith and Avery Van Den Berg both scored one.

The Shamrocks are 8-3-2 and play a Hoosier Crossroads Conference game Wednesday at Brownsburg.


Noblesville defeated Brownsburg 3-0 Saturday in an HCC game.

Meredith Tippner scored two goals and assisted a goal by Delaney Stone. Sadie Black also had an assist. Bella Wyatt made four saves.

The Millers are 4-0-2 in the conference and 9-0-2 overall. Noblesville hosts Carmel on Monday and plays at Penn on Saturday.


Carmel played to a 1-1 tie with Castle Saturday afternoon.

The Knights scored their goal in the first half, but the Greyhounds answered in the second half when Camryn Love scored off an assist by Emma Ehret.

Carmel is 8-2-2. This week, the Greyhounds travel to Noblesville for a Monday game before hosting Plainfield on Wednesday and Zionsville on Friday.


Fishers beat Harrison at home 4-1 on Saturday.

Elise May scored two goals, followed by one goal each from Lauren Faulkner and Rachel Wain. Bridget Foley, Delaney Allgeier and Rena Sawada each made one assist.

The Tigers are 7-4-2. Fishers plays at Bishop Chatard on Monday, then travels to Avon Wednesday to complete its HCC season.


Guerin Catholic took on Evansville Memorial at the Eagles Nest on Saturday and played the Tigers, one of 3A’s top teams, to a 0-0 tie.

The Golden Eagles are 5-3-4. Guerin Catholic hosts Cathedral on Monday.

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