Sara Draper files as candidate for Carmel City Council


Sara Draper, a 15-year Carmel resident, and 10-year U.S. citizen has officially filed as a candidate for Carmel City Council At large.

As an Oxford University graduate, speaking five languages with professional expertise in finance and market research, Draper’s skill set is certainly of note, but what truly distinguishes her from other candidates is her experience as an immigrant in the United States.

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“I arrived in this country with my husband Bob, who’d begun work for a Pharmaceutical company in Indianapolis,” Draper said. “However, the terms of our visa prevented me from seeking employment, continued education, or even a credit card in my own name! For 13 long years, I was simply an observer, sitting on the sidelines of the democratic process, until our citizenship was finalized.”

Draper says she is ready to give back to the city that accepted her and her family many years ago.

“I adopted my daughter through lawyers here and have made a beautiful life for my family in Carmel,” Draper said. “I want to give back to the city that has given me so much, and be a voice for all Carmel, regardless of their party affiliation. Having been disenfranchised, the gratitude and excitement I have to finally have the opportunity to stand up and serve cannot be matched.”

Draper’s campaign kickoff is set for Jan. 23 of 2023, which marks she and her husband’s 23 years in the U.S. The kickoff is set for 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Sophia Square Apartment, 110 W. Main St., Carmel.

As her slogan indicates, she’s looking forward to “Listening to all, Learning from all, and Leading all.”