Sampson honored for Westfield work

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John Sampson (above right) has become the face and name of the new Westfield Playhouse project, set to be completed this year at 202 North Union St. In part because of that work, Sampson was recently honored with a Westfield Way Award, presented by Mayor Andy Cook (above left).

Sampson told The Reporter he was nominated anonymously for his contribution to the city and the arts. His comments were the soul of humility: “I am very honored, but my goodness, there are so many other people who do more,” Sampson said.

Regarding his work with Westfield Playhouse, Sampson said, “It is all for the benefit of the City of Westfield, and the biggest thing is putting the art in front of the public to keep it healthy and well.”

The 160-seat theater facility, set to be complete this year, will be within two to three blocks of the future Grand Junction Plaza, making it another amenity residents and visitors can enjoy while in downtown Westfield.