The past seven days have been busy for junior golfers across the state, including those from Hamilton County that are playing on the Indiana Golf Association’s Junior and Prep tours.
There have plenty of victories as well. Westfield’s Samantha Brown took home one of the biggest crowns as she won the Southern Junior Masters, a two-day event on July 19 and 20 at Chariot Run Golf Club in Laconia (about a half-hour southwest of Louisville).
Brown scored a 145 over 36 holes, including eight birdies. County golfers swept the top four, as Carmel’s Michaela Headlee was the runner-up, Noblesville’s Macy Beeson was third and Westfield’s Brette Hanavan tied for fourth.
Hanavan was the winner of the Girls 13-15 division at the Junior Tour’s Wednesday stop at Fox Prairie in Noblesville. She scored a 76, which included two birdies and an eagle on the fifth hole. Grace Dubec of Fishers, competing in the Girls 16-19 division, also eagled the fifth hole. Meanwhile, two Fishers boys golfers made an eagle on hole No. 7 at Fox Prairie in Boys 13-15 play: Vijeet Akala and Jacob Mieling.
Carmel’s Claire Swathwood picked up two Girls 13-15 victories at the Muncie Elks last Friday and at Country Oaks in Montgomery Tuesday in a playoff. Fishers’ Mattingly Upchurch was also a double winner in Boys 11-12 play, placing first at Country Oaks and at Honeywell in Wabash on Wednesday.
Other tour winners over the past week are Fishers’ Janelle Garcia (Girls 11-12) and Carmel’s Maya Keuling (Girls 8-10) at Wood Wind last Wednesday, July 15; Noblesville’s Jacob Modleski (Boys 13-15) and Carmel’s Christian Hein (Boys 16-19) at Hillview Country Club in Franklin on Monday, and Noblesville’s Ellie Henegar (Girls 11-12) and Carmel’s Karis Reid (Girls 8-10) at Country Oaks.
Complete county results follow.
Wood Wind, Westfield – Prep, July 15
BOYS 11-12
T2. Mattingly Upchurch, Fishers, 72; 5. Ryan Cesare, Westfield, 78; 7. Jaxon Henegar, Noblesville, 84; 11. Blake Huffman, Carmel 91; 12. Benjamin Meece, Carmel, 93; 14. Dillon Walworth, Carmel, 97; Musa Shahid, Carmel, 107.
Birdies made: Upchurch 2, Cesare 2, Huffman 1, Meece 1.
BOYS 8-10 (9 holes)
2. Max Huffman, Carmel, 40; 3. Gavin Davis, Fishers, 42; 5. J.T. Kelley, Fishers, 46; 8 Ashton Imlay, Westfield, 59.
Birdies made: Huffman 1.
GIRLS 11-12
1. Janelle Garcia, Fishers, 86; 2. Lauren Patullo, Carmel, 87; 3. Josie Kelley, Fishers, 90; 4. Ellie Henegar, Noblesville, 94; 5. Bevin Turner, Fishers, 95; T6. Harper Bryant, Westfield, 107; 8. Reese Longstreth, Carmel, 133.
Birdies made: Patullo 2, Turner 2, Garcia 1, Henegar 1.
GIRLS 8-10 (9 holes)
1. Maya Keuling, Carmel, 40; 2. Karis Reid, Carmel, 42; 3. Ishin Fujita, Carmel, 43.
Birdies made: Keuling 1, Reid 1, Fujita 1.
Cascades, Bloomington – Junior Tour, July 16
BOYS 13-15
4. Connor Hedrick, Carmel, 76; 8. Lane Nichols, Westfield, 84.
Birdies made: Hedrick 3, Nichols 1.
GIRLS 13-15
2. Jordan Adam, Noblesville, 90.
Birdies made: Adam 2.
Kokomo Country Club – Junior Tour, July 16
BOYS 13-15
2. Jake Cesare, Westfield, 74; T3. Will Harvey, Westfield 75; Joseph Armfield, Carmel 75; T5. Clark Schwartz, Westfield, 76; Cole Starnes, Fishers, 76; T7. Lane Zedrick, Fishers, 77; Jacob Modleski, Noblesville, 77; T14. Isaac Lutz, Carmel, 81, T18. Cohen Steill, Westfield 83; T22. Saahas Kandru, Carmel, 84; Tyler Marcinko, Fishers, 84; 28. Gabe Nixon, Westfield, 91, T30. Mitch Amenta, Noblesville, 98; 34. Aidan Jeffreys, Carmel, 102; 35. Tyler Pietz, Carmel 118.
Birdies made: Armfield 4, Zedrick 3, Cesare 2, Harvey 2, Schwartz 2, Starnes 2, Lutz 2, Modleski 1.
BOYS 16-19
9. Rowan Bhagar, Carmel, 79; T10. Will Perkins, Noblesville, 80; T13. Bryce Smerek, Westfield, 81.
Birdies made: Perkins 2, Bhagar 1, Smerek 1.
GIRLS 13-15
T3. Allie McKeown, Westfield, 80.
GIRLS 16-19
T7. Mallory Mortl, Westfield, 89; Marissa Spreitzer, Fishers 89, 13. Serena Lee, Westfield, 97.
Muncie Elks – Junior Tour, July 17
BOYS 13-15
3. Cole Starnes, Fishers, 78; 4. Joseph Armfield, Carmel, 80; T6. Tyler Macinko, Fishers, 82, T11. Saahas Kandru, Carmel, 86; T13. Jake Mieling, Fishers, 90; Charlie Putnam, Fishers 90; 17. Aidan Jeffreys, Carmel, 95; 21. Owen Woodward, Carmel, 110.
Birdies made: Starnes 2, Armfield 2, Marcinko 2, Kandru 2.
BOYS 16-19
10. Tyler Lacy, Fishers, 85.
Birdies made: Lacy 2.
GIRLS 13-15
1. Claire Swathwood, Carmel, 78; 2. Jordan Adam, Noblesville, 83; T3. Jaylyn Henegar, Noblesville, 99.
Birdies made: Henegar 4, Swathwood 3.
GIRLS 16-19
5. Ashley Marcinko, Fishers, 90.
Birdies made: Marcinko 1.
West Lafayette Country Club – Junior Tour, July 17
BOYS 13-15
13. Adam Bolad, Carmel, 90; 17. Noah Day, Fishers 98.
Birdies made: Bolad 1.
BOYS 16-19
12. Seth King, Fishers, 91.
Birdies made: King 1.
GIRLS 16-19
T2. Marissa Spreitzer, Fishers, 83.
Southern Junior Masters – Chariot Run Golf Club, Laconia, July 19-20
T5. Shoji Fujita, Carmel, 77-70=147; T10. Lane Zedrick, Fishers, 79-74=153; 16. Sam Booth, Carmel, 80-76=156; T17. Cole Starnes, Fishers, 76-81=157; Connor McNeely, Noblesville, 74-83=157; T23. Kent Fujita, Carmel, 82-77=159; T34. Tyler Lacy, Fishers, 83-82=165; 42. Will Schade, Fishers, 87-84=171.
Total birdies made: S. Fujita 9, Booth 6, Zedrick 5, McNeely 4, K. Fujita 4, Schade 4, Starnes 3, Lacy 3.
1. Samantha Brown, Westfield, 75-70=145; 2. Michaela Headlee, Carmel, 72-75=147; 3. Macy Beeson, Noblesville, 76-76=152; T4. Brette Hanavan, Westfield, 77-76=153; T10. Claire Swathwood, Carmel, 88-78=166.
Total birdies made: Brown 8, Headlee 7, Hanavan 5, Beeson 4, Swathwood 1.
Hillview Country Club, Franklin – Junior Tour, July 20
BOYS 13-15
1. Jacob Modleski, Noblesville, 73; 5. Joseph Armfield, Carmel, 76; T6. Jake Mieling, Fishers, 82; T8. Connor Hendrick, Carmel, 83; 16. Ted Kramer, Carmel, 88; 19. CJ Koenig, Carmel, 92, 23. Austin Kent, Westfield, 101.
Birdies made: Modleski 4, Armfield 3, Hendrick 1.
BOYS 16-19
1. Christian Hein, Carmel, 72; T17. Matt Wolf, Fishers, 87.
Birdies made: Hein 4, Wolf 1.
GIRLS 13-15
T2. Allie McKeown, Westfield 86.
Birdies made: McKeown 1.
GIRLS 16-19
T5. Marissa Spreitzer, Fishers, 82; Lillian McVay, Fishers, 82; T13. Mallory Mortl, Westfield, 92; 16. Kaley McHaffie, Fishers, 94.
Birdies made: McVay 2, Spreitzer 1
Pretty Lake Golf Club, Plymouth – Junior Tour, July 20
GIRLS 13-15
2. Jaylyn Henegar, Noblesville, 93.
Chestnut Hills, Fort Wayne – Junior Tour, July 21
BOYS 13-15
6. Clark Schwartz, Westfield 75; T10. Tyler Marcinko, Fishers, 80.
Birdies made: Schwartz 3.
GIRLS 16-19
3. Ashley Marcinko, Fishers, 83.
Birdies made: Marcinko 2.
Country Oaks, Montgomery – Junior Tour, July 21
GIRLS 13-15
1. Claire Swathwood, Carmel, 79, won in playoff.
Birdies made: Swathwood 3.
Country Oaks, Montgomery – Prep, July 21
BOYS 11-12
1. Mattingly Upchurch, Fishers, 77; 3. Jaxon Henegar, Noblesville, 84.
Birdies made: Upchurch 2, Henegar 2.
BOYS 8-10 (9 holes)
2. Ashton Imlay, Westfield, 52.
GIRLS 11-12
1. Ellie Henegar, Noblesville, 93.
GIRLS 8-10
1. Karis Reid, Carmel, 42.
Christmas Lake, Santa Claus – Junior Tour, July 22
GIRLS 16-19
3. Payton Schechter, Fishers, 83.
Fox Prairie, Noblesville – Junior Tour, July 22
BOYS 13-15
T2. Jacob Modleski, Noblesville, 72; 5. Vijeet Akala, Fishers, 73; 6. Jake Cesare, Westfield, 74; T8. Clark Schwartz, Westfield, 76; Isaac Lutz, Carmel, 76; Lane Zedrick, Fishers, 76; T14. Saahas Kandru, Carmel, 79; Mason Price, Carmel, 79; T18. Connor Hendrick, Carmel, 82; 22. Carson Gladwell, Fishers, 83; T23. Jake Mieling, Fishers, 84; Cohen Steill, Westfield, 84; T26. Gabe Nixon, Westfield, 85; Mitch Amenta, Noblesville, 85; T28. Adam Bolad, Carmel, 87; Ryan Bangert, Carmel, 87; T31. Ted Kramer, Carmel, 88; 33. Noah Day, Fishers, 90; T34. Charlie Putnam, Fishers, 91; 36. Mason Mills, Carmel 95; 37. Sean Grove, Carmel, 101; 39. Owen Woodward, Carmel 107.
Eagles made: Akala 1 (hole No. 7), Mieling 1 (hole No. 7).
Birdies made: Schwartz 5, Lutz 4, Modleski 3, Harvey 3, Price 3, Steill 3, Cesare 2, Akala 1, Zedrick 1, Hendrick 1, Gladwell 1, Nixon 1, Bolad 1, Kramer 1, Day 1.
BOYS 16-19
T3. Will Perkins, Noblesville, 76; 7. Blake Dillow, Fishers, 80; T9. Christian Hein, Carmel, 82; Tyler Lacy, Fishers 82; 14. Owen Sander, Carmel, 84; 23. Alexander Ueber, Fishers, 88.
Birdies made: Lacy 4, Dillow 2, Perkins 1, Hein 1, Sander 1.
GIRLS 13-15
1. Brette Hanavan, Westfield 76; 2. Allie McKeown, Westfield, 82; 3. Jordan Adam, Noblesville, 84; T10. Jaylyn Henegar, Noblesville, 102.
Eagles made: Hanavan 1 (hole No. 5).
Birdies made: McKeown 4, Adam 4, Hanavan 2.
GIRLS 16-19
T4. Marissa Spreitzer, Fishers, 85; 10. Mallory Mortl, Westfield, 89, 12. Grace Dubec, Fishers, 92, T17. Serena Lee, Westfield, 104.
Eagles made: Dubec 1 (hole No. 5).
Birdies made: Spreitzer 2, Mortl 1.
Honeywell, Wabash – Prep, July 22
BOYS 11-12
1. Mattingly Upchurch, Fishers, 71; 4. Ryan Cesare, Westfield, 78; 9. Jaxon Henegar, Noblesville, 84, 11. Dillon Walworth, Carmel, 90.
Eagles made: Upchurch 1 (hole No. 2).
Birdies made: Upchurch 3, Cesare 2.
BOYS 8-10 (9 holes)
T2. Gavin Davis, Fishers, 42.
GIRLS 11-12
2. Janelle Garcia, Fishers, 83; 3. Ellie Henegar, Noblesville, 87.
Birdies made: Garcia 1.

Westfield’s Mallory Mortl placed 10th in the Girls 16-19 division at the Junior Tour stop at Prairie View on Wednesday. (Richie Hall)