Russell family asks you to vote for Dad in May 8 primary election

Dear Readers,

As we embark on the last week of this election we wanted to share some things about our dad, Mitch Russell, with all of you.

Our dad is hands down the best Dad and Pappy anyone could ask for. Our whole lives our parents have always been there for us no matter what the situation. They have loved us unconditionally, kept us on the right path, and they inspire us to just be good people. As much as our dad has done for us, he has never been just our dad. He has always been the community’s dad. Our parents took in anyone that needed a place to call home, even if it was just a few hours, and loved them just as they loved us. Our parents cooked them meals, coached them, gave them life advice and more importantly just let them know they were loved and what kind of person they could become.

From our friends growing up, to our cousins, to people who worked for Dad, we always had people showing up at the house just so someone could point them in the right direction. We have always shared him with the community because we were always taught to share what you have an abundance of. We have an abundance of love.

When Dad came to us in July of last year and told us he was running for Sheriff, we knew how big of an undertaking this was for our whole family. We have been involved in politics before, and we were well aware of the good side of being a public servant and the tough side. We weren’t against his idea, after all he is hands down one fantastic police officer, but we also weren’t jumping for joy either.

We asked Dad why he wanted to run, and he had two reasons. One, he wanted to have one final chance to truly make a difference for the men and women who go above and beyond day in and day out in our county, he wanted to make a difference for the citizens of our county and he wanted to give back to a place that helped him grow and become the man he is today.

The second reason is what changed our perspective. Dad said that he had a dream that his brother, Dick Russell, came to him and told him to run for Sheriff. He even told Dad in his dream where his signs were located in the attic of our garage. The next day, Dad climbed up the ladder in our garage to the spot that Dick told him in his dream, and there sitting in the attic were the Mitch Russell for Sheriff signs just as Dick had told him. This was on July 2.

On July 4, we strapped the signs to the truck and entered our first parade and announced our candidacy for Sheriff. Dad and Dick spent their whole lives devoted to making Hamilton County a safe place for our families and a positive workplace for the employees of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department. Dad has struggled this election with Dick not being by his side for the first time in his law enforcement career. Dick pushed him to be a better father, husband and police officer. He looked up to Dick, respected him and went to him for advice. He wasn’t sure how he was going to continue on without his brother.

We have asked ourselves many times why God called our family to be a part of this election. We know that Dad can make the Sheriff’s department great. He has a way with employee morale, he listens, he makes changes when needed, he is a great detective, an awesome manager, an even better leader and he has a way of bringing out the absolute best in people. He can identify people’s strengths and use those strengths to put together an awesome team.

The amount of people that have come to us through this process to remind us just how our dad is hands down an awesome human being is astonishing, but the part that has left us in awe is the relationship that has been built in our family through this with Dad’s middle brother Paul.

Dick and Dad were well known in the community through the Sheriff’s department. Most people didn’t realize that they have a third brother Paul.

Paul didn’t pursue a career in law enforcement, but instead become an awesome salesman. He spent a lot of time traveling and didn’t get to spend as much time with his brothers. Through this election, Dad and Paul for the first time have gotten to spend time together and fight for a common good. Their relationship has been strengthened, and we often find them both together.

It is crazy how when you take time to slow down in the midst of everything that is going on you can see what God is really up to. Although we would hands down be thrilled if we got to call Dad Sheriff Russell on Wednesday morning, we know that through the tough times of running an election God’s plan was pretty good.

If you see our dad out and about, look closely, because you will probably see his brother Paul by his side and the drive and spirit of their older brother Dick carrying them through.

Enjoy the small moments in life. They are what make the big moments so worth it.

We would appreciate your vote for Mitch Russell on May 8.


Abby Russell

Amanda Engle

Mollee Russell

Matthew Russell
