Rulon lays out progress made in White River Township

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Dear Editor:

Hi, I’m Jamie Rulon, and I’m running for re-election for the White River Township Trustee.

I have been the township trustee since 2010. Before becoming your trustee, I served on the White River Township Board for three years, which gave me tools to run an efficient and effective trustee office. My purpose here is to highlight some of the progressive ideas that the trustee and board embraced over the years. I would like to take some time to address facts and correct information regarding the township.

2019-2021 was a unique time for our country. We faced a national pandemic that affected each and every one of us. Our lives were changed, and for some it was an extremely difficult time. White River Township worked very hard with the State of Indiana and Hamilton County to provide necessary relief for families facing financial hardships. Both the state and county placed requirements that we had to follow to provide financial relief for those who qualified. We provided over $40,000 of assistance through the COVID-19 relief. We also worked with other agencies to provide funding for those who did not meet the criteria set forth by the state and county.

For many years, the White River Township Fire Department had contracts to other agencies to provide Emergency Medical Services. The contract came to an end at the beginning of 2021. The township board and I worked hard through 2020 to move the department forward by hiring its first full time fire chief. His direction was to bring our department in line with neighboring departments to provide the necessary EMS coverage. This provided a much-needed additional ambulance for the northeast corner of Hamilton County. Since March 2021, our ambulance has responded to over 250 revenue-generating incidents. This is an incredible fact that has helped the citizens of White River Township.

When the current station was built, to keep costs low, the upstairs was not finished because it was not needed and the additional cost to finish it exceeded the budget for the station. It was not until 2021 that the station had full-time staff to respond. We have been working and planning to finish the upstairs.

The original plans did not call for separate locker rooms and sleeping quarters for men and women. As plans are being worked on, we are moving forward to have the upstairs completed. This is being completed through creative budget work and personnel at the station.

We are also proud that we are serving the township with two EMS personnel and one firefighter on a 24-hour shift with career staff. This is also being done with a very dedicated and educated volunteer organization. Also, in the past year we have brought the department up to date with the much-needed NFPA requirements.

Over my tenure with the township, we have updated both the fire station and community building with a new roof and siding. Additionally, this year we are updating the kitchen in the community building.

There are still many ways to improve our service to the community and strengthen the township while remaining within the budget limits. As we all know, inflation has impacted all our expenses, which leaves less money to keep our families running.

Throughout my three terms, my hope is taxpayers see my focus on conservative spending first and foremost, my dedication to serving and keep our township safe, and my desire to work with a balanced budget which my record so proudly shows. We are one of a few governmental agencies in Hamilton County that has asked for only one additional appropriation during my term as trustee.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Brian Niec as a new board member for White River Township. I am excited to work with him through his term.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email at

I’m proud to serve you and look forward to your support on May 3.

Jamie Rulon

White River Township Trustee