Robyn Cook: I will support Fire and EMS personnel

Dear Editor:

My name is Robyn Cook (Just to clear up any confusion: I proudly received my last name from my husband Jai, of the Cook’s from Miami County) and I am running for Jackson Township Trustee.

I am a graduate of Hamilton Heights High School and have lived in Jackson Township most of my life.

Together, my husband and I have four daughters ages 13-25. We are members of Life Church Noblesville where my husband is the head of security and I am a youth group leader. We recently co-founded Life Church Motorcycle Ministry as a way to connect with, serve and minister to the motorcycle communities.

I have been clerk-treasurer for the Town of Atlanta for 18 years. I am an Indiana Accredited Municipal Clerk and a nationally Certified Municipal Clerk. I attend at least three annual continuing education conferences per year in order to stay current with the ever changing laws and requirements pertaining to government finance and administration.

Over the years I have assisted the Town of Atlanta in obtaining millions of dollars in grants, most recently a $1.7 million water works grant which has funded a major infrastructure project with no out of pocket expenses to the taxpayers.

As the smallest community in Hamilton County, we have become proficient at living within our means and making the best use of taxpayer dollars and resources.

Our community plays host to one of the longest running and largest festivals in the state, the Atlanta New Earth Festival. Over a two day period we welcome upwards of 100,000 visitors and 600 vendors, sponsors and entertainment. I co-chair this event with my deputy clerk. Between the two of us, we organize every detail of the festival ourselves. We could hire outside help but this would take needed revenue away from projects that are funded by the festival.

If elected, the taxpayers will see an immediate savings as I will discontinue the outsourcing of Trustee duties such as payroll and human resource functions and the preparation and submission of annual budgets and reports to the appropriate state agencies. I have the experience and knowledge to perform these functions and have been doing so for 18 years.

I will work to create stable and sustainable budgets for all Township Funds. Budgets which exceed the tax levy may depend on miscellaneous revenue only when those revenue sources are certain. It is extremely risky for an entity to depend on carryover funds or outside income sources which are not guaranteed from year to year.

There are workable solutions at a savings to taxpayers when communities work together.

Public assistance for Township residents is a primary function of the Trustee yet it appears to be a low priority. The Township Assistance Fund has been reduced to a mere fraction of what it was a few years ago, yet we still have families and individuals falling through the cracks. Not only do these situations require compassion and discernment but these people, who are our friends and neighbors with children going to school with our children, deserve to be treated with respect and given hope, encouragement and resources to making lasting changes to improve their quality of life.

Superior fire protection and emergency services is something that is very near and dear to my heart.

The unfortunate events surrounding the dissolution of the Jackson Fire Territory certainly influenced my decision to run for Township Trustee. I discovered many concerning issues involving the way taxpayer dollars had been handled and the “equal” distribution of services to Township residents. My reasons for candidacy are not to live in the past, beat a dead horse, seek revenge, nor for monetary gain; in fact the salary would be a slight decrease for me.

My goal is to repair, strengthen and build relationships within our communities, businesses, schools and residents. Over the years I have earned the respect of leaders throughout Hamilton County by being a team player and keeping the best interest of the community as my priority. I have the ability to set aside personal differences with anyone and maintain the integrity and ethics required to reach a common goal.

I have every intention to diligently support fire and EMS personnel and have NO intention of chopping heads and replacing them with my people. When I heard this I didn’t even realize I had people! As the daughter of aging parents in Jackson Township and the mother of a Hamilton Heights student; in addition to having a daughter awaiting a heart transplant – I get it! I want the best for our community! We will only get this by supporting the men and women serving as our professional firefighters, EMTs and paramedics. This means not only providing them with the training and equipment needed to perform their job functions but respecting them and communicating with them.

Building trusting relationships and helping others succeed is how to strengthen Jackson Township. How do we do this? We must be completely transparent; even when we are not perfect, when we make mistakes, and when we don’t agree; not only for the present but to create a community in which our children will want to serve and call home when they grow up.

I have the knowledge, experience, work ethic and desire to unite our communities and give our residents peace of mind that they are being provided with the excellent services they deserve.

Look to Cook to put the Trust in Trustee on May 8.

Robyn Cook


1 Comment on "Robyn Cook: I will support Fire and EMS personnel"

  1. Jody England | April 28, 2018 at 8:44 am |

    Robyn Cook is by far the most qualified for this position!

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