Riley Children’s Foundation launches $300 million ‘Every Child Deserves Riley’ comprehensive campaign at Red For Our Kids Gala

Riley Children’s Foundation has publicly launched its $300 million Every Child Deserves Riley comprehensive campaign, the largest in its history, on March 8 at the Red For Our Kids Gala, the organization’s annual black tie event celebrating the profound impact of Riley Children’s Health.

The $300 million comprehensive campaign aims to raise funds to support five key priority areas for Riley Children’s, identified to make a lasting impact on children’s health and on the lives of individual kids and families. The priority areas include:

  • Respond to the youth mental health crisis
  • Bring the best and brightest to Indiana
  • Pioneer research advancements
  • Expand access to Riley expertise
  • Support the entire family

The fundraising effort has already surpassed the $215 million milestone thanks to generous donors in the leadership phase of the campaign, including major gifts toward cancer research, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, mental health, and nutrition research.

Tonight, the Foundation publicly announced three gifts toward the $300 million goal. Those include $5 million from the Tom and Julie Wood Family Foundation to establish the Office of Community and Child Health, $5 million from an anonymous donor toward the greatest needs of the hospital, and $5 million from another anonymous donor to support the neonatal intensive care unit.

“We are humbled by the donations made to this campaign so far and grateful for the contributions to come, which will advance the life-saving work by the renowned team of pediatric experts at Riley,” said Mike Smith, Every Child Deserves Riley Campaign Chair and Riley Children’s Foundation Life Governor. “From cutting-edge research to supporting the mental health needs of our youth to expanding access to hallmark Riley care, this campaign will have long-lasting and far-reaching impacts for kids and families across all 92 counties in Indiana – because every child deserves Riley.”

The Red For Our Kids Gala included several Riley families whose children have received life-changing care at Riley, who shared their stories with attendees.

“While no family ever wants to be a ‘Riley family,’ there is no better place to be if your child needs care,” said Stacia and Trae McBride, Riley parents to two-year-old Major. “Without the steadfast warmth and advanced medical care of the Riley team, our son would not be the healthy little boy he is today. Our wish is for every child who needs Riley to be able to receive their remarkable care.”

In addition to Riley families, the Red For Our Kids Gala welcomed special guests including Lilly King, six-time Olympic medalist; Dr. Russell Ledet, co-founder of The 15 White Coats and Riley Triple Board Resident; Kalyn Melham, Miss Indiana 2024 and Cydney Bridges, RN, Riley Children’s Health and Miss Indiana 2023, and showcased the expertise of pediatric specialists at Riley and pediatric researchers with Riley affiliated research programs.

To learn more about the Every Child Deserves Riley campaign, visit

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