County Council at-large member Rick McKinney announced Wednesday that he would seek re-election in the May primary election. Below is a press release sent by McKinney to local media.

“I am writing to give you notice of my filing for re-election to the Hamilton County Council in the May 5, 2020 Republican Primary.
“I have supported and will continue to support necessary funding for PPP: Pavement (roads/bridges), Parks (quality of life) and Public safety (Sheriff, jail, emergency communications, courts, probation, prosecutor and community corrections). Projects started or completed since 2016: Westward expansion of 146th Street, Lowes Way ramp from 146th Street to Keystone, State Road 37 redesign, 96th Street and Keystone bridge, solar power project for the jail complex, expanded jail and Koteewi Park amenities.
“I have both the experience and independence needed to separate “needs” from “wants,” which will become even more critical as county revenues stagnate or decline as state funding forumlas change and expenses increase with more demand for government services. I have voted against projects that were bad ideas or a waste of taxpayers’ money and will continue to do the same if re-elected.
“I have been very responsive to fellow citizens’ concerns and answered personally every telephone call, letter or email I have received regarding a county government issue.
“I believe I should be re-elected because I am the one official who, to his word, has kept all promises made in all my campaigns. There will be continued pressures by other officials and outside interests to increase taxes or create new taxes, spend and spend, but the Council is only safety net for taxpayers to prevent wasteful spending and tax increases at the County level.
“Hamilton County government weathered the recession financially solvent and has a healthy reserve in large part to the County Council’s prudent allocation of tax dollars.
“I want to continue in my position for the next four years as there will continue to be much change and uncertainty facing the county’s finances. I believe the county is best equipped to meet those challenges by my experienced record of responsible financial stewardship on the council.
“Another major promise kept from the 2016 campaign was restoring and improving the transparency of the County Council’s meetings by having our meetings live streamed. This occurs on Hamilton County Television’s Facebook, YouTube and Twitter sites. They are also available through the county’s website on a historical basis.
“If you have any questions or concerns, please do no hesitate to call me at (317) 590-3710 or email me at My campaign website is”