Rick McKinney responds to Ken Alexander’s Council Minutes

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Dear Editor:

In response to Ken Alexander’s Council Minutes column on March 10:

The designation of a “AAA” rating by S&P for Hamilton County was well-deserved and has been years in the making, not an achievement of those newly elected. It took years of saying “NO” to Commissioner-driven projects or resisting their attempts to influence how a project would be financed to reach this pinnacle.

A word of appreciation also goes to the Auditor and her staff as well for their work in keeping excellent financial records. I hope the current County Council can keep this rating that was so long in its attainment.

A comment by Councilor Alexander regarding the request to spend an additional $2 million that “it would have been easy to vote NO” was so audacious, I had to read it a couple more times. The implication that it took courage and foresight to spend millions MORE for an additional floor of a parking garage that will undoubtedly be used more for non-county government business or after 5 p.m. is an insult to the citizens of Hamilton County.

An additional court will not require the use of 125 spaces on a daily basis; furthermore, the county is not responsible for providing parking for jurors/attorneys/litigants or anyone else coming to downtown Noblesville. Given the flexibility of working remotely as necessitated by the pandemic in 2020, the widespread use of Uber and similar services, and the slow growth in county government employment, there is no pressing need for expanding a parking garage that hasn’t had a shovel of dirt moved yet.

The late and great U.S Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois made the famous quote in regards to federal government spending: “ A billion here, a billion there … pretty soon, we’re talking about real money.” Well, the same philosophy applies here in Hamilton County, whether it is for a parking garage or a State Road 37 project’s cost overruns, sooner than later, the amounts spent will total REAL money! Citizens, follow the money!

There was a slight mention of the joint meeting with the County Council and Commissioners. I applaud the move to require the Council to be notified BEFORE applications for grants are submitted so they can be aware of matching funds that will be needed. However, what was missing were the price tags associated with the various projects.

Finally, the County Parks department remains energized for protecting land from development and providing outlets for citizens to enjoy wild spaces. The Council has been and continues to be a great partner with them in this endeavor, which benefits everyone’s quality of life. Thank you.

Rick McKinney

Senior Policy Analyst, Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County

Former 24 year At-Large member of the Hamilton County Council
