Retiring school board member calls on voters to choose Dawson, Hanley & Helvey

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Dear Editor:

I am serving my fourth year on the Noblesville School Board and I have experienced firsthand the work that is expected of dedicated School Board members. Because of my work on the Noblesville School Board and the depth of issues confronting the school, I endorse conservative candidates Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey for Noblesville School Board!

These are the minimum tasks expected for Noblesville School Board members: regular monthly public meetings, committee meetings, public work sessions, executive sessions, miscellaneous meetings, and community meetings.

Optional professional development seminars and conferences are available via the Indiana School Board Association. Attendance at ISBA professional development opportunities is optional and not selected by all board members.

The conservative School Board candidates, Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey, will be focusing on academic achievement, fiscal responsibility, and transparency. The Noblesville Schools’ May 2024 ILEARN results for grades 3 through 8 indicate a proficiency of 54 percent for English Language Arts and a proficiency of 51 percent for Math. This is not acceptable for our community! These students represent our future workforce including electricians, social workers, plumbers, doctors, teachers, and all leaders. We can do better! We do not need rubber stampers on the school board. We need school board members who, at a minimum, will make tough decisions that lead to higher academic achievement!

Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey will look at all of the options and weigh the data presented to them on topics including academic achievement. Additionally, they will weigh all data regarding a potential property tax referendum that would occur in 2026 (which adds to your already inflated property tax). Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey will not kowtow to special interest groups such as ISTA.

The Noblesville School Board candidates that I endorse are conservatives Dawson, Hanley, and Helvey. They will take on the academic achievement challenge, attend all of the school board meetings, attend optional professional development opportunities, study referendums and the effects on property tax, look at budget/spending, promote transparency, and they will make decisions that are best for students, teachers, and the public!

Laura Alerding