Retired police chief, Army vet supports Bill Clifford

Dear Editor:

I first want to introduce myself, so you can see that I am very qualified to speak on Bill’s qualifications to be Sheriff of Hamilton County. During the time frame from 1992 thru 1997, I was the Commander of the Metro Drug Task Force, working out of the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office. The task force was comprised of police officers and Sheriff Deputies from Indianapolis and the surrounding counties. All personnel attached to the task force were handpicked for their experience, expertise and work ethic.

Our mission was to identify and target upper level drug dealers, conduct a detailed investigation and apprehend and convict the perpetrators. These types of investigations are very detailed and time consuming requiring the investigator to be “on his game.” The task force was fortunate to have Bill Clifford as one of its excellent investigators. He excelled in his work and was very successful at his assignment.

From early on, I recognized his expertise in dealing with not only the criminal element of our work but also his ability to work with federal agencies, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office. He is a team player. It was easy to see that he had what it takes to be a leader. That is why I would encourage the support of his campaign to become the Sheriff of Hamilton County. My experience in both the military and law enforcement gave me insight in recognizing the potential in people, and Bill Clifford certainly has proved that he has the work ethic, experience and the ability to be the next Sheriff of Hamilton County.

My opinion of Bill has never wavered, and I consider it a privilege to support him for the Sheriff’s position. Bill Clifford is highly qualified and motivated to be the Sheriff of Hamilton County. He will serve the public in an outstanding manner.


Thomas E. Carr

Chief of Police, Retired

Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army, Retired

Naples, Fla.