
On Thursday, Atlanta resident Beth Henderson announced her candidacy for Congress in Indiana’s 5th District. Beth’s background as a nurse, small business owner, farm manager and mother have uniquely prepared her for this opportunity to serve Indiana in the U.S. House.
Beth released the following statement upon her announcement:
“As a nurse, businesswoman, wife, and mother who has lived in Indiana’s 5th District for 30 years, I am prepared to take my real world business experience, first-hand knowledge of our healthcare system and my conservative values to serve our state in Congress.
“I’ve had countless conversations with fellow Hoosiers since I began considering running in this race. The main question I’ve gotten from folks is, ‘Why would you want to do this?’ For me, the answer is simple: I have a heart for Indiana, and truly care about our district and the people in it. I believe that we are all in this together, and my desire is to be a voice in Washington sticking up for the values and principles that have made the American people the most prosperous in the history of the world.
“I’m not a career politician now, and I never will be. We need to get back to the idea of citizen servants in public office who will put their skills and talents to work for the people, not themselves. That’s how I’ll treat my time in Congress, and I’m asking for the support of each and every voter across the 5th District who shares that belief in how our government should work.”
About Beth Henderson
Since 1990, Beth and her husband Terry have proudly called Indiana’s 5th Congressional District home, and have loved raising their family, starting three successful businesses in agriculture and healthcare, living on a small farm and serving their community. They have two adult children, and believe strongly in the conservative values of family, hard work, the U.S. Constitution, and limited government that have built this great nation. For more information, please visit