Congresswomen Susan W. Brooks (R-Ind.-05) provided the following statement after voting in support of H.R.5, the Equality Act:

“Discrimination of any kind, towards anyone, is wrong and at this time in our nation’s history, we cannot turn a blind eye to the discrimination the LGBTQ community faces. In order to work towards eliminating discrimination throughout our country, whether in the workplace, when purchasing or renting a home, staying in a hotel, at schools, applying for credit or in jury service, we must expand civil rights protections to the LGBTQ community. Including sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination is a necessary step in order to make our country a safer place to live and work for all Americans.
“Because I’m aware of the discrimination members of the LGBTQ community face around the country when renting or buying a place to call home, I’ve authored legislation with Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.-10) that has been included as a provision in the Equality Act. This provision ensures anyone, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, handicap, familial status and national origin is treated fairly and equally under the law as they buy or rent a home.
“I must acknowledge this bill is not perfectly drafted. I am pro-life and share the sentiment of my pro-life colleagues and constituents that conscience protections need to remain in place for medical providers with religious or moral objections so that they cannot be forced to perform abortions. However, these conscience protections under the Weldon and Hyde amendments in current law are not altered by this bill and will remain in place under current law. As the legislative process moves forward, I will advocate for clarification language that would improve this bill.”