Rep. Spartz urges passage of Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act

Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) spoke on the House floor Monday in support of the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act. Her remarks follow.


“Mr. Speaker, I want to clarify what exactly this bill is doing. Last year, Congress gave an additional $80 billion to the IRS on top of $12 billion of existing funding, which increased the IRS’s budget by almost eight times.

“This bill still keeps almost $10 billion in additional funding to modernize IRS, which is still almost doubling their $12 billion budget, but eliminates over $70 billion of wasteful and egregious aggression against the American taxpayer by the federal government.

“As someone who spent over a decade in public accounting and also started my own businesses, I never felt that we don’t have enough government. On the contrary.

“I hear the same message when I go all across my district – small businesses and entrepreneurs have a hard time surviving.

“I hope my Democrat colleagues will also support this commonsense adjustment to relieve the undue burden on American families.”