Rep. Spartz releases statement on her impeachment vote

Representative Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) made the following statement regarding her vote against articles of impeachment on Wednesday:


“I appreciate a variety of opinions, but any accusations must go through the proper due process, whether it is election fraud or an impeachable offence. As someone who did not support objections to the certification last week, I will not support this political charade today. The rule of law and due process are vital to what our Constitutional Republic stands for.

“Congress should stop playing divisive politics and start working on delivering good policies for the American people.”

Video of Rep. Spartz’s remarks can be found here.

5 Comments on "Rep. Spartz releases statement on her impeachment vote"

  1. Jeff Cornell | January 14, 2021 at 7:24 am |

    We should have listened to this very smart lady. Rule of law has been abandoned for law of the jungle. Evacuate the Capitol and diffuse the situation. An all out attack is planned for the Capitol. I would not rule out suicide bombs

  2. Lynn Ratkey | January 15, 2021 at 7:36 am |

    Election fraud has been ruled out. Please have an open mind if you want to represent all of the constituents in your district. Be prepared to cross the aisle to make this country work.

  3. Terry Denton Wade | January 15, 2021 at 9:39 am |

    The second impeachment is nothing short of a show trial, like the kind Stalin used to have. The impeachment manager, Eric Swalwell, is a congressman who aligned himself with a Chinese spy. Just think, when a new party gets into office, you can go back an try past presidents again. It is a slippery slope.

  4. ” .. I will not support this political charade today. The rule of law and due process are vital to what our Constitutional Republic stands for.”

    The drafting & approval of article(s) impeachment in the house & then sending on to the Senate for trial is the very embodiment of due process & rule of law. The terms are specifically set forth in the US constitution that V. Spartz swore to protect.
    One may disagree that the threshold of impeachable offense has or hasn’t been reached, thats why it’s voted on.

    Is this going to be the level of constitutional understanding we’re going to get from this newly elected congresswoman ?

  5. Lynn D'Cruz | February 5, 2021 at 3:53 pm |

    How else do we hold Donald Trump accountable for his actions that do not promote unity or any other values??

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