Rep. Spartz presents two choices to fix healthcare: restore competition or full government takeover

Congresswoman Victoria Spartz (Photo provided)

Submitted by Office of Rep. Spartz

Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) issued the following statement on healthcare and reconciliation offsets:

“If the GOP does not have the backbone to start fixing healthcare in reconciliation, we have to start a full government takeover now – before we completely bankrupt our country and our people. Fraud and abuse in healthcare by large monopolies are destroying our nation fiscally and physically.”

Rep. Spartz proposed the following solutions, which will also result in at least $2 to 3 trillion in spending offsets needed for tax cuts:

  1. Improve Medicaid for the most vulnerable: the federal government discriminates against the most vulnerable due to Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion.
  2. Make states have “skin in the game”: states are “ripping off” the federal government with Medicaid money laundering “Ponzi” schemes.
  3. Strengthen Medicare for seniors: Medicare overpayments to large hospitals and insurers are leading to further consolidation of their market share and expediting Medicare insolvency.
  4. End unreasonable Obamacare subsidies to insurers: President Biden significantly increased Obamacare subsidies through 2025 causing massive fraud and abuse.
  5. Improve access, price and competition for value: Obamacare failed to properly address unlimited health insurance deductions for large employers, driving more spending in healthcare and wage suppression, as well as accounting abuses for charity care by highly profitable tax-exempt “non-profit” hospitals. Obamacare also banned ownership of hospitals by doctors, leading to further consolidation and deterioration of access and value.

1 Comment on "Rep. Spartz presents two choices to fix healthcare: restore competition or full government takeover"

  1. But, Trump has a concept of a plan!

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