Rep. Spartz on Durham report: justice has not been served


Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) raised the following key issues with Special Counsel John Durham during his appearance before the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday:

  • Despite numerous material failures listed in the report, not one person was held accountable;
  • The FBI never gave appropriate consideration to the possibility that the Steele report was Russian disinformation, despite concerns that Steele’s subsources could have been compromised by the Russians; and
  • Potential lack of rigor and initiative to determine the truth, like with CHS-1, allegedly Stefan Halper, who created a conspiracy allegation in direct conflict with his recording and misstated significant and important facts used in FISA among other things, where Durham was not able to establish his intent and could not give a legible answer why.

Rep. Spartz also followed up with Special Counsel Durham to obtain recordings of his interview of CHS-1, but could not get a committal answer, which she said is concerning.

Click here to see Rep. Spartz’s statement and line of questioning with Special Counsel Durham.