Rep. Spartz may resign if Congress doesn’t create debt commission


Last Saturday, Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) issued the following statement on her “no” vote on the U.S. House’s Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government.

“I cannot support a CR – business as usual – without a debt commission to at least have a better plan for the next debt ceiling increase at the end of 2024,” Rep. Spartz said. “Congress must deal with the crushing national debt and inflation destroying opportunities for middle class and lower income Americans and leading to socialism – with DC oligarchs on top and everyone else equally poor.”

Then, on Monday, Rep. Spartz said she may resign from Congress if no debt commission is created this year.

“I’ve done many very difficult things being one woman standing many times with many very long hours and personal sacrifices, but there is a limitation to human capacity. If Congress does not pass a debt commission this year to move the needle on the crushing national debt and inflation, at least at the next debt ceiling increase at the end of 2024, I will not continue sacrificing my children for this circus with a complete absence of leadership, vision, and spine. I cannot save this Republic alone.”