On Monday, Congresswoman Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) issued the following statement on her opposition to the proposed continuing resolution deal regarding funding the federal government.
“Unfortunately, real leadership takes courage and willingness to fight for the country, not for power and a picture on a wall,” Rep. Spartz said. “The Republican House is failing the American people again and pursuing a path of gamesmanship and circus.
“Neither Republicans nor Democrats have the backbone to challenge the corrupt swamp that is bankrupting our children and grandchildren. It is a shame that our weak Speaker cannot even commit to having a commission to discuss our looming fiscal catastrophe.
“Our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves to see how this institution is betraying our Republic for personal political ambitions and our children will be ashamed of another worthless Congress.”
She did vote against paying for cleaner drinking water, and more affordable medicine for children.
So she wasn’t willing to make sure kids have clean drinking water. I don’t know how she would handle a swamp.
I’m tired of seeing these verbatim quotes and pretending that’s news.