Rep. Jim Banks introduces Head Start Improvement Act

Congressman Jim Banks (R-Ind.-03), who is also Indiana’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, introduced on Thursday the Head Start Improvement Act, to improve the Head Start program by eliminating bureaucracy and giving money directly to states through block grants.

U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced a companion legislation in the Senate on Thursday, and both bills are being supported by Heritage Action.


“Washington bureaucrats can’t possibly know how to best serve children in Indiana, Utah, or any state beyond the beltway,” Rep. Banks said. “My bill with Senator Mike Lee decentralizes Head Start and gives more decision-making power back to the local leaders and parents who are better equipped to serve children in our communities.”

The Head Start Improvement Act:

  • Block grants the Head Start funds directly to states, territories, and federally recognized Indian Tribes.
  • Eligible grantees receive an allotment of the Head Start funds in proportion to the number of children aged 3 to 5 from families with incomes below 100 percent of the poverty line residing within the state.
  • Requires states to provide a 20 percent match to all federal funds granted.
  • Allows states to use funding for state school choice programs.
  • Requires all funds to be used for prekindergarten education, administration of the programs, and to provide direct technical assistance, oversight, monitoring, research and training.
  • Directs the Comptroller General to submit a report to Congress comparing the different approaches used by the grant recipients.

Click here to read the full text of the bill.

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