Rep. Brooks supports life-saving legislation to protect newborns

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-Ind.-05) provided the following statement after signing a discharge petition that would bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a vote on the House floor: 

“The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is a common sense bill every Member of Congress, whether Republican or Democrat, should support because it protects people who cannot protect themselves – newborn babies.


“This bill is designed to ensure any baby who is born alive after an attempted abortion receives the same protection under the law as any other newborn baby. It requires medical professionals, clinical staff and other relevant personnel to preserve the life and health of the child as well as to report any violations to state and federal law enforcement. Anyone who violates the requirements would be subject to fines, imprisonment of as long as five years, or both. Additionally, this bill provides the mother of the abortion survivor a civil cause of action and protection from prosecution.

“Twenty-four states lack protection for born-alive infants and as a cosponsor of this bill, I am proud to stand on the House floor with my colleagues to sign this discharge petition that will hopefully bring this critically important bill to a full debate and vote.”