Rep. Brooks strongly stands against bigotry in all forms

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks (R-Ind.-05) has provided the following statement:


“Anti-Semitic expressions or acts are hateful, intolerant and contradictory to the values that define the American people. There has been a significant rise in anti-Semitic acts in our country. I continue to strongly stand against anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim sentiments, bigotry and hate in all forms. Representative Omar from Minnesota has repeatedly made anti-Semitic comments and while I voted for the Resolution before the House of Representatives, we must go farther.

“Earlier this year, the House voted to condemn a Republican, by name, who made remarks supporting white supremacy and white nationalism. At that time, I applauded the decision by Republican leadership to remove Rep. Steve King from his committee assignments because of his bigoted comments. But now, Democrats refuse to condemn, by name, a Democrat who has repeatedly made anti-Semitic statements. This is hypocritical and unacceptable. Rep. Omar should be removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee in order to send a strong message that we denounce anti-Semitic views in the House of Representatives.”