Register now for Westfield Young Professionals Leadership Summit

Join the Westfield Young Professionals Council (WYPC) for a one-of-a-kind professional and personal development experience from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 3 at the IMMI Conference Center, 18880 N. East St., Westfield.

The conference is open to anyone aged 40 and under who lives or works in Westfield and is looking to sharpen their skills and network. The all-inclusive cost of $60 per person includes leadership training, lunch, snacks, service project with Student Impact, and a ticket to the post-conference networking happy hour. Registration is available at this link.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Jodee Curtis, owner of Purple Ink LLC. Breakout session speakers will be Chad Dilley, Danyele Easterhaus, Joe Mangas, and Julie Wright. Breakout session topics will include:

  • Mentorship
  • Being Present Where Your Feet Are
  • Company Culture
  • How to Give and Receive Feedback

Please share this event with your colleagues who are eager to learn or early in their professional journey.

If you have questions, please send an email to

Attention business owners & supervisors

WYPC fully recognizes that key staff members taking a day off from the office is a big ask. That’s why speakers and presenters have been carefully selected who will help those staff members grow and come back to your company re-energized and ready to meet the moment.

About Westfield Young Professionals
The new Westfield Young Professionals Council is a networking group for young professionals under 40 in Westfield, but it is more than that. WYPC offers a space for people to grow their careers, for those new to Hamilton County and Indianapolis to make lasting friendships, and for young professionals to grow themselves personally. Through this opportunity, young professionals will become invested members of the community, looking for ways to give back to Westfield and each other.

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