When I read these words about Advent on Friday, I knew they needed to be shared in my column. They are not my thoughts but those of my daughter, Emily Catron Alexander. Her writing gives a unique perspective of Advent. I think you will enjoy what she has to say. She’s given her mother something to ponder. — Janet Hart Leonard
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Guest Columnist
As I take a moment to reflect today, I’m drawn to the word Advent. Fittingly, we are in the season of Advent. But what does Advent really mean? It translates to “arrival.”
As a child, I remember lighting the Advent candles at church each week, representing hope, peace, joy, and love. I would also help my mom arrange what felt like a thousand red poinsettias across the sanctuary stage. At the time, I didn’t understand the significance of those beautiful red flowers. Later, I learned they symbolize the Star of Bethlehem and the blood of Christ – a reminder of His sacrifice and guiding light.
You’re probably wondering, Emily, where are you going with this? I promise I’ll get there, so stay with me.
This morning, I realized that our family has been living in a season of Advent long before the calendar marked its beginning. If you know us well, you know we’re constantly on the go – school events, sports, work – there’s always something to arrive at. Often, it’s multiple places at the same time! But today, I challenged myself to view “arrival” differently. What if I saw it not as the physical act of showing up but as a season of preparation? A time to consider what God is working on in my life and what I’m doing during the wait for His plans to arrive.
This year, like many families, we’ve faced challenges – health concerns, job opportunities, sports and education decisions, and more. Thankfully, my faith has taught me to trust that God is always at work, even when I don’t see it. That’s not to say I haven’t had moments of doubt or impatience. I’m human, and as a mom, I’ve definitely tried to force things to happen sooner than they were meant to. I’ve wanted that Star of Bethlehem to hurry up and lead us to our next destination already!
But here’s what I’ve come to understand: life’s ups and downs are all part of God’s preparation. Even when we’re too busy or overwhelmed to notice, He is always working on the next blessing, the next arrival.
So, as we journey through this season of Advent, let’s remember to trust in His timing. Keep your eyes and heart fixed on the Star of Bethlehem – the guiding light that leads to something far greater than we can imagine.
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Thank you, Emily. I couldn’t have said it any better.
Love, Mom.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.
Good job Emily. Beautiful words.