Reader wonders when Americans will say that “enough is enough”

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Dear Editor:

How much more should we as a nation endure? How far must the greatest superpower this world has even known fall before we proclaim “enough is enough.” How much more must the most charitable and generous people on the planet be humbled on the world stage?

Our current commander and chief is not up to the job. He is physically and mentally unfit for the job. The man is incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence much less governing what’s left of the free world. Furthermore, he has quite obviously been compromised by at least one foreign power. Then again – most of those who voted for this shell of man likely knew that. Their hatred for Trump was sufficient to ignore his incompetence and frailties and vote for him anyway.

Well, how’s that workin’ out for you?

At this point it doesn’t matter. It ISN’T working out for the rest of us.

As a result of this last election, we’re stuck with an incompetent buffoon and regrettably, his next in line would be no better. She leans even further left than he does and is likely far less competent in matters other than advancing the radical left’s agenda. Either way, we are in a fight for the heart and soul of this country. A fight similar to the one Thomas Paine was witnessing when he wrote “The American Crisis” 245 years ago. It read in part: “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

This is another critical moment in history. It will record whether we stood in opposition to those wishing to transform America into a Marxist state or chose to remain soothingly oblivious through our ear bud and Facebook induced utopia.

Already we see patriots lining up at school board and city/county council meetings to voice their opposition to what is transpiring, but they are not enough. If we are to peaceably save this nation more of us must join them. We must demand that opinions be freely expressed and policy be properly hammered out in the arena of ideas. Thomas Paine was right when he said, “Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” 

The people of Afghanistan have lost the promise of freedom and are now bearing witness to their desperation as they cling to and fall from departing military aircraft rather than suffer the barbaric fate that awaits them if they stay. They know full well what the face of governmental oppression looks like and it’s high time we learn to recognize it as well.

…Before it is too late.

Mike Pflum

Waverly, Ind.

6 Comments on "Reader wonders when Americans will say that “enough is enough”"

  1. Bradford Scott Reed | August 21, 2021 at 10:45 pm |

    Mike Pflum is to be congratulated on a great commentary. The elected and secular powers that shape who and what we are supposed to be, think and do, have managed to ‘kidnap the narrative’ right before our eyes….with little in the way of viable opposition. Until these incideous narratives are exposed and successfully reversed we are all destined for a historical crash at every level of life. Redefining reality doesn’t change it…it only misdirects the masses for temporary control.

  2. Mari Briggs | August 22, 2021 at 8:42 am |


    Thank you for sharing your eloquent article about the state of array within our country. Too many people have become blinded by the lies of MSM and other areas of social media. Indeed many voters turned their back on an intelligent business man because of the hateful lies spewed out by an over abundance of misleading commentary including persons in Congress. Biden has put our nation into a dangerous situation by his incompetency to reason, speak, and think rationally of what he is doing as a leader of the free world. Americans need to ask themselves, “how much longer will we be a free nation?” As you quoted, “we are in a fight for the heart and soul of this country.” And that time is NOW! If you are an American who loves this country, stand up now and Push Back against the hateful lies that continue to flow out of the mouths of radicals who are pushing hard to bring socialism and communism a norm in America!

  3. America did in fact say “enough is enough”, loudly, in November of 2020.

  4. Mari Briggs | August 30, 2021 at 10:11 pm |

    Frank, if you are speaking of Biden who was handed the election by fraud, zombie election machines, fake ballots, cheating election workers et al., yes it was loud and clear that voters have no control of who they are voting for when all of the above does it for you. You must be blind and deaf to what has happened since Biden and Harris are running our country now. Are you happy with the invaders coming across our boundaries, the disaster in Afghanistan, the financial collapse with the so called infrastructure bills etc. to name a few? Then you are not an American who cares for this country.

  5. At 23 years old – I lost the lower 1/3 of my left leg defending this nation – that I don’t care about – in gulf War 1.
    More accurately ; defending Kuwait & U.S. oil interests. Does that qualify as ‘American’ enough Mari ?
    Words do not a patriot make.
    Just a suggestion ; stop embarrassing yourself.

  6. Mari Briggs | August 31, 2021 at 2:28 pm |

    Who knew your involvement as a soldier? Not I or others. Mike Pflum wrote an excellent article about our inept president and VP. He states it well as to how Americans should feel and know how our country is declining, yet you continue to be so negative when others agree with his statement about the climate of our country. Since I did not personally know about your involvement in Kuwait and your injury, I am not embarrassed at all! I hope you are doing well now.

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