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Dear Editor:
On Monday, Nov. 18, the Noblesville City Council meeting addressing the rezoning of land use at 206th Street and Hague Road.
The city council approved rezoning without regard to their constituents’ concerns or environmental issues that will occur through development of the land and disturbance to the pair of nesting eagles on the property.
It was a full house and local residents feel disenfranchised by the Mayor and city council members’ lack of consideration throughout the planning process of this development. Many feel there was intentional attempt to hide or discretely implement this development to avoid objections from local residents like what occurred with Beaver.
We don’t want West Pointe. We want to preserve our wetlands, natural habitats, and our city’s quiet charm.
Kelly Deuser
Well Noblesville, here’s a thought ; maybe cease voting for elected officials that do not share your values ?
Two thumbs up, Frank !